Category: 2004 Elections

  • Bread in the Oven

    Only thing better than baked cajun chicken served on fresh spinach salad before a vice presidential debate is knowing that I have whole wheat bread with crunchy almonds and sesame seeds baking in the bread machine. Update: After “make-or-break” buildup, CNN commentators downplayed debates’ significance

  • Post-Debate Analysis

    I realized I hadn’t posted debate analysis since I was blinded by gleeful schaudenfreude. One thing I’ve learned about the presidency is that it’s hard work, incredibly hard (video mix). What a whiny prick. I thought Kerry had lightyears more poise than Bush and was glad that C-Span broadcasted no cutaways – just a constant […]

  • When a Debate Isn't

    Connie Rice details why tonight’s debate is nothing but: A debate is a head-to-head, spontaneous, structured argument over the merits of an issue. Under the ridiculous 32-page contract that reads like the rules for the Miss America Pageant, there will be no candidate-to-candidate questions, no rebuttal to your opponent’s points, no cross questions or cross […]

  • RNC Threatens Bible-Banning to Motivate Fundie Voters

    You’ve probably already heard this but sometimes I blog things to remind myself that they actually happened. The front of the mailer has a picture of the bible with the letters ‘BANNED’ on top with the letters ‘ALLOWED’ over two attractive men looking at each other and holding hands — a very nice picture by […]

  • Alan Keyes Daughter is Gay?

    Nutcase Repub for Illinois Senate Alan Keyes: If we embrace homosexuality as a proper basis for marriage, we are saying that it’s possible to have a marriage state that in principle excludes procreation and is based simply on the premise of selfish hedonism. Maybe someone should tell his out and proud daughter:

  • What Kerry Should Say

    Via Sam from Burnt Orange Report: What Kerry should say during the debates: I understand where the President is coming from. He appears very resolute on TV. But let me be very clear and decisive about one thing right now- if 3 years into my presidency I am where he is right now and 1.6 […]

  • Jon Stewart versus Bill O'Reilly

    Transcript of Jon Stewart on The O’Reilly Factor: (via Mofi via Wonkette) O’REILLY: You actually have an influence on this presidential election. That is scary. STEWART: If that were so, that would be quite frightening. O’REILLY: But it is. It’s true. I mean, you’ve got stoned slackers watching your dopey show every night, OK, and […]

  • I am Jack's Lefty Hate

    I was checking my linkbacks and found Marty using my rant about Reagan as an example of ‘the left’s hate’. Thanks for the linkback, Marty!

  • Log Cabin Republicans Grow Some Balls

    [The] Log Cabin Republicans, the largest group for gay men and lesbians in the party, voted overwhelming last night against endorsing President Bush for re-election because of his support for a proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. (via DailyKos) Dick Cheney reportedly said, “I’ll get you my pretties. You and your little dog, too.” I […]

  • 30 Bush Flip-Flops

    The Center for American Progress has a great list of 30 Bush-wad flip-flops. (via Sam) President Bush: Flip-Flopper-In-Chief