Category: Business

  • The Housing Bubble

    Read a great article in Fortune on real estate speculating that sooner than later – the whole damned thing is going to collapse and cause a lot of financial misery for a lot of people.

  • McDonald's Libel Suit

    Hopefully you’ve read Fast Food Nation which will tell you what’s really in those Big Macs. And you know about the anti-McD’s protesters in London that handed out leaflets and got themselves into a libel lawsuit ending in many of the protester’s points being proven in a court of law and McDonald’s being smeared in…

  • Largest Middle-Class Paycut in History

    House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on the new overtime rules that are in effect in the United States: These new regulations represent the largest middle-class pay cut in history – starting Monday, more than 6 million workers will lose their right to overtime pay. President Bush and the Republicans simply do not understand that middle-class…

  • United Airlines Cancels Pensions

    To celebrate Ron’s birthday today, United Airlines cancelled pensions for flight attendants, pilots, machinists and the ground crew. The news isn’t on the internet yet – though warnings abound. Pensions for corporate employees and many employees in Europe (maybe protected by the EU?) will keep their retirement packages. It is painful to see Ron’s anger…

  • Thirst and Water Privatization

    Ron (who has a closeted love of PBS) and I watched Thirst a documentary on the global trend of water privatization. Essentially, multinational corporations are trying to control the very essentail elements required for health and life to exist – all under the guide of cutting profits and saving money. The documentary was absolutely fascinating…

  • Ken Lay Indicted

    I chalk up the Enron debacle as the second event that got me to start reading more political discussion and discourse (the first was 9-11 of course). I was trying to find the original post where I just went off about Enron and how I wish immense ill on Kenneth Lay. The whole situation just…

  • Wal-Mart 25th Largest Economic Entity

    Of the world’s 100 largest economic entities, 51 are now corporations and 49 are countries. The world’s top 200 corporations account for over a quarter of economic activity on the globe while employing less than one percent of its workforce. (source) The richest 1 percent of Americans own 40 percent of the nation’s household wealth…