Month: March 2004

  • Fettered Access

    Alright, Bush-fans – I can’t figure it out – help me. Why are there all of these negotiations with what the 9/11 commission will and will not see? Why all the conditions? Why the stonewalling? Bush will not testify publicly or under oath: Why in the hell would you not want someone to testify under…

  • Betty Ong's 9-11 Phone Call

    On September 11th, Betty Ong, a flight attendant on Flight #11, placed a phone call. I’m #3 on Flight 11. The cockpit is not answering their phone. Somebody’s been stabbed in business class. Our first class galley flight attendant and purser have been stabbed. The Memory Hole has the

  • Back.

    I’m back from San Diego. Ron and I stumbled off the plane at 4 this morning – love that red-eye! Tons to report and write and looks like my readers have had some lively debates… cool! Further bulletins on the way…

  • 9-11 Hearings Streamed Online

    History happening as you hear. Streamed from the Pacifica Foundation Also streamed at: I’s not on cable C-Span 1 (Under God in Pledge of Allegiance), 2 (Mars Rover). It is on C-Span 3 if you get that.

  • Oregon County Bans All Marriages

    Mom says that if we can’t share then nobody gets to play with the toys: The last marriage licenses were handed out in Benton County at 4 p.m. local time (7:00 p.m. EST) Tuesday. As of Wednesday, officials in the county of 79,000 people will begin telling couples applying for licenses to go elsewhere until…

  • U.S. Aid to Israel

    $6 billion a year. Does this make our hands dirty as well? Under the Arms Export Control Act the U.S. can only supply weapons that are used “for legitimate self defense”. The US Foreign Assistance Act prohibits military assistance to any country “which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human…

  • H. R. 3920: Congress Could Overturn Supreme Court

    Remember in social studies when they always talked about the three branches of government and the checks and balances system that prevented that no one branch could have all the power? Well, fuck that: The Congress may, if two thirds of each House agree, reverse a judgment of the United States Supreme Court if that…

  • Margot Knight

    Margot Knight creates photographs that combine dismembered bodies in mundane settings. Great collection of art. This one called Cancer. Check out the ones with the giant worms. Eeek.

  • Inappropriate Cabaret

    Brigitte told a yarn about going to see Elaine Stritch and she’s commenting on cabaret singers singing songs that are way too old for them. Elaine: I don’t get it with women in their mid-30s singing ‘I’m Still Here.’ Where have you been? This led to a riff on other inappropriate songs suchs as an…

  • American Idol Dream

    I took a long nap after taking Brigitte to lunch at The Grand Lux Cafe for her birthday. I had a dream that we were both involved somehow with American Idol – we weren’t competing – but because we were helping out somehow we both got to sing a song on the show. I had…