South Park: Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset

Paris Hilton, Stupid Spoiled Whore.

Surely somebody else caught last night’s South Park featuring Paris Hilton opening up a clothing store in the small town. The store is called Stupid Spoiled Whore and all the young girls immediately take to dressing like slutty skankwads. It takes Mr. Garrison’s submissive boyfriend Mr. Slave to show Paris who the real whore is – in what has to be one of the most disgusting things I’ve seen on the show in a long time. Funny, yet my jaw dropped.

Truly the kind of takedown that Paris needs. Being rich is not a talent. It’s good fortune.

And I loved the lazy eye.

For added bonus shaudenfreuden – here’s a look at Paris’s nose through the years (courtesy of Awful Plastic Surgery).

Extra: does anyone else find themselves chanting Ling Ling’s theme song from Drawn Together?

Die die! Die die! Kill kill! Kill kill!

It makes me laugh.






17 responses to “South Park: Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset”

  1. […] s just get to it. Andy Towle is so hot. The stupidest Republicans come from Alabama. Paris Hilton is so ugly. Anderson Cooper is gay gay gay, everybo […]

  2. troy Avatar

    Ha! my jaw dropped too… and the episode (rerun) right before that had all the townsfolk putting food up their asses and pooping out their mouths… that was gross.

    I think the creators have something with putting things up the ass.

    Mr. Slave… is a dirty flaming whore. Jesus Christ.

  3. troy Avatar

    Ling Ling is SO cute! and his cute little asian butt! 🙂

  4. carburetor Avatar

    All I wanted for Christmas was Paris Hilton’s charred remains in a shoebox. Was that too much to ask?
    All it’s going to take to bring Paris’s fabulous world to a screeching hault is one bad car accident, or something similar, to screw up her face.
    Then she can spend her fortune on psychiatrists because no one wants her at their parties or as a charm on the red carpet.
    I hate this bitch, and I’m a flaming heterosexual.

  5. benny Avatar

    Paris hilton is a stupid spoiled whore, I knew it

  6. Green Rare Avatar
    Green Rare

    I’d really love to pelt Paris Hilton with the following things if I had the chance:

    1. Used Tampons

    2. Rotten eggs

    3. Used Diapers (doo-doo diapers)

    4. Rancid Yogurt

    5. Ranch Dressing mixed with piss, vodka, toenails, cum, and Mexi-Corn (that stuff is vile).

    The main reason I can’t stand Paris is that she makes all other women look bad. I’d be really glad if the little whore just shut up and went back to blowing her trust fund on lipgloss and Ugg boots- or just blowing the Ugg boots salesguy.

  7. Dr. Cruel Avatar
    Dr. Cruel

    There is actually a Shoshone legend from the Chinook people that captures what Mr. Slave does to Paris Hilton. Only it’s a male Indian being accosted by a witch, and he puts slate in his hair, and…

    Ah, you’d have to hear it for yourself…

  8. BluPheonix Avatar

    The Stupid Spoiled Whore Epi was the funniest south park yet. Yes, better than goodtimes with weapons, better than the passion of the jew, yes it’s even better than the succubus episode (… was ther lochness monster, and you know what he wanted…..tree fiddy *3.50$*) The coughing up of cumwads, the buying of poor butters. And best of all, Mr Slave explaining at the end why parents need to stop letting their girls dress and act like whores. I love it. Butters in a bear costume, digging for coal…..ROFL

    This episode of south park is a classic among my circle of friends, and i’m sure with yours also. Jesus, Jesus christ!!!!!

  9. Brian Avatar

    I loved the episode also.I just like saying it “Stupid Spoiled Whore”.The episode went far above Paris Hilton, but I think the biggest message instead of Paris being a stupid spoiled whore was how we allow our children to follow any rich dickheads style simple because they find interest in them or they are on Mtv.It shows the weakness, fear and insucurity of the American Parent in not being concidered cool to there children or the child not being cool or popular in their childhood.Most of Americas women are stupid spoiled whores.Just being foreal

  10. Sean, From New Zealand Avatar
    Sean, From New Zealand

    LMFAO I couldnt stop laughing at how much of a F***** mess Paris hilton was in this episode, first she opens a new chain of stores calld “Stupid Spoild Whore”, and while she gives the speach she coughs up cum and after the speach she says “F*** i need a drink, and shes stumbling LOL, when she drives the dog kills itself…dont blame it, LOL a photo album of all the pets who have killd themselves…ahaha classic, when she was on butters bed wasted and butters poking her P**** lol. She shoves a pineapple in her pussy ROFL LOL and the game “Stupid Spoilt Whore Video Playset just reminds every one about paris hilton and the sex video LOL

    This one was the best EVER!

  11. Walter Avatar

    I love the way Paris puts that pineapple away, haha!

  12. Dread Pirate Robert Avatar

    Wow, Andy, when you type “stupid spoiled whore” into Google and hit the old “I’m Feeling Lucky” button, You’re number one! (Your site, that is, not you.) Congratulations on making the big time!

  13. Richard J. S. in England Avatar
    Richard J. S. in England

    I respect the writers of South Park for making the episode with Paris Hilton. There are so many sheep that would claim she is a talented decent woman but they’re nothing more than insecure fuck ups that are afraid to have their own opinion. The way the writers were bold enough to portray Paris for what she is… a stupid spoilt whore, gave me hope that not all of America value fame and fortune above being a decent person. And that if a group of celebrity obsessed sycophantic screw ups tell the people one thing, it only takes one person (in this case one show) to stand up and make people see that they’re wrong. Fuck Paris Hilton, Fuck the celebrity obsessed screw ups, fuck the media that scheme ways to convince children what is cool in order to sell their products. P.S i am an 18 year old heterosexual from England, or Britain, or UK whatever you want to call it, who was raised to think for himself. I can’t believe Eminem, a great rap artist is friends with her, I can believe she has a record contract; these heartless companies don’t give a fuck what poison they pump into music as long as it sells. What I’d love to see is her album be the biggest flop of the year. The good thing about the 15 minutes of fame, novelty, no talent celebrities that shoot to fame is that their time under the spotlight never lasts. Soon Paris Hilton will be a has-been who has an obsession to buy more material shit to make herself feel important and glamorous because she hasn’t been raised to value real things like family, self respect and dignity. Paris Hilton, Richard J. S. in England thinks you are the face of what is wrong in America, you are a heartless, untalented, over-rated, brainless, plastic, shameless, disgraceful piece of shit slut who is a pawn in the billion dollar corporations chess board used to hold back America’s evolution.

  14. jess Avatar

    this ep of southpark is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny and tight funny than family guy

  15. stipi Avatar

    Paris Hilton is eveything this episode says she is!
    Mr. Slave kicks ass!!!

    I just feel sorry for the dog and other unfortunate pets…

    SP rules!!!

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