Moving my blog brb

  • saturday, january 6

    Just got back from hanging out with Brian and Brigitte. I think one of the biggest gifts you can have is people to dream with. We’re all three sorta done with ‘normal’ people. Where’s the ambition? Where’s the passion? Too many people are dead to themselves. Talking with them got my juices flowing for producing…

  • I'm proud I pitched in

    I’m proud I pitched in $25 for the blogger people to buy a new server. Things have improved a great deal… I’ve never seen tech geeks this happy.

  • Just got an email from

    Just got an email from a guy wanting to be my houseboy: Experience: Maintained household for past 12 years. Skills: Laundry- Capable of completing this task however I don’t separate colors. I haven’t had any serious problems with this thus far (at least who’s to know I wear pink underwear). An all or mostly white…

  • wednesday, january 3

    from online chat whilst on cam: Hey dude have you ever looked at someone and they were so goodlooking they made you smile and sorta blush . Not out of anything sexual in perticular just because you know God was having a good day when he made them If nyou have never seen anyone like…

  • Let's just say New Years

    Let’s just say New Years was a suck-o-rama. Waited way too long to hear Brian play and then Matt play at some dive bar. Throughout the evening was a incredibly abrasive M.C. that succeeded in making the countdown to midnight an experiment in extreme excruciation. With no fanfare we all did the obligatory hugging and…

  • sunday, december 31

    from a discussion forum on Fraggle Rock: What were those little things [Dozers]? They gave me nightmares not only as a young child but as a teenager as well. And WHAT WAS THAT PILE OF TRASH? Talk about creepy! When they showed a Dozer naked. I had always had conflicting emotions about the Dozers…the Fraggles…

  • friday, december 29

    I am truly embarrassed. The Purchase Circle for my hometown couldn’t be created because there wasn’t enough data. Meaning: nobody in my hometown reads.

  • Ironminds proposes that the new

    Ironminds proposes that the new holiday tiding should be: Ironminds: Merry Getstuff!

  • Frank Herbert talks about his

    Frank Herbert talks about his creative process in writing the Dune novels: I conceived of a long novel, the whole trilogy as one book about the messianic convulsions that periodically overtake us. Demagogues, fanatics, con-game artists, the innocent and the not so innocent bystanders?all were to have a part in the drama. This grows from…

  • Well that was quick. After

    Well that was quick. After 391 votes my pic on AmIHotOrNot has been made inactive, no longer shown randomly to viewers – this is to give newer submissions time to catch up. I guess I should stop whining. I ended up with a rating of 9.9 – I’m ‘hotter than 98% of the men on…

Got any book recommendations?