Former Texas State Judge Catherine Crier Speaks Out

 Catherine Crier, former Texas state judge speaks out:

The Far Right wants to control our federal judiciary in order to enact this reactionary agenda. At first blush, the focus seems to center on social issues—abortion, gay rights, affirmative action, and religion in schools. There is another insidious aspect to their designs. Economic and political issues are crucial to them as well. If they are successful in our federal courts, this plot will have a profound impact on citizens in every arena. They are making efforts to curtail federal regulation of businesses, environmental protections, worker’s rights, bankruptcy laws, tort liability, and property interests, among other causes.








4 responses to “Former Texas State Judge Catherine Crier Speaks Out”

  1. h Avatar

    Handmaid’s Tale starting to sound familiar? Maybe the west should leave the US and all the “nasty liberals” can move there while the right takes over the rest of the country.

  2.  Avatar

    Apparently, Ms. Crier, likes the camera better than she did the courtroom-where she could have better benefited the legal system -she now says she wants to defend.

    “In the wake of the Terri Schiavo debacle, I wanted to write a book in defense of the federal court system and its judges and to explain how, though imperfect, the system has evolved very much as its founders intended.”

    Terri Schiavo was legally killed by the state of Florida-there’s no doubt about that-but there is more to the Schiavo case than Crier wants the public to know:

    I ,personally, know a few good judges but I also know a few who should be kicked out of office .Have a good day.

  3. Janice Sanford Avatar

    forgot to put my name on my comment:
    Apparently, Ms. Crier, likes the camera better than she did the courtroom-where she could have better benefited the legal system -she now says she wants to defend.

    “In the wake of the Terri Schiavo debacle, I wanted to write a book in defense of the federal court system and its judges and to explain how, though imperfect, the system has evolved very much as its founders intended.”

    Terri Schiavo was legally killed by the state of Florida-there’s no doubt about that-but there is more to the Schiavo case than Crier wants the public to know:

    I ,personally, know a few good judges but I also know a few who should be kicked out of office .Have a good day.

  4. scottas Avatar

    Very needed information found here, thank you for your work

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