Category: Business

  • American Theocracy: Preface and Part III, Chapter 8

    I’m celebrating Easter and the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ by reading the Kevin Phillips’ new book American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil and Borrowed MOney in the 21st Century. Phillips posits that the Republican party has been hijacked by oil interests, radical religion and the ‘borrower-industrial complex’. Preface 3…

  • Ashcroft Cashes In

    Mr. Ashcroft has become a Washington lobbyist, setting himself up as something of an anti-Abramoff and marketing his insider’s knowledge of how Washington works. One of Mr. Ashcroft’s newest clients is ChoicePoint, a broker of consumer data that is increasingly being used by the government to keep tabs on people within the United States. The…

  • Could the United States Go Bankrupt

    I’m sorta on a gloom and doom kick tonight. I had a massage so I’m all relaxed and then had a 3 1/2 hour nap so I’m really flowin’. Summaries and snippets from ‘Oh yes, it can happen here.’ The optimistic view: 1) The US can always print more money. 2) The US needs China…

  • iTulip Comes Roaring Back to Skewer the Housing Bubble

    Back in the dot-com era, found parallels between the Netherlands 1600s tulip craze and the late-90s/pre-9/11 internet bubble. They’ve relaunched to comment on the housing bubble: In the past the Fed has been very quick to stop speculation in real estate, much more quickly than stock market speculation. Why? Real estate involves the banking…

  • Cheney Chides Americans for Not Saving

    (via DailyKos) Vice President Dick Cheney urged Americans Thursday to do a better job of saving and challenged policymakers to strengthen pensions and fix Social Security to help people in their golden years. Meanwhile: On their 2004 federal income-tax returns, which the White House released Friday, the vice president and his wife, Lynne Cheney, reported…

  • Bush on Outsourcing to India: Pizza pizza!

    Quoth Bush: India’s middle class is buying air-conditioners, kitchen appliances and washing machines, and a lot of them from American companies like GE and Whirlpool and Westinghouse. And that means their job base is growing here in the United States. Made in China you stupid asshole. Younger Indians are acquiring a taste for pizzas from…

  • Showdown over UAE Port Deal

    This is going to be real fun. Congress critters up for re-election in the fall are not going to dare allow this to be used against them. Bush says he’ll veto. If they over-ride his veto this will be totally awesome. Frankly I don’t see the huge huge huge concern over this – there’s a…

  • United Flight Attendants Rush to Sell Newly Minted Stocks

    While enjoying the amazing mild curry beef at Ecce last night, one of Ron’s buddies/co-workers called him to tell him to sell his stock in the company immediately. “All” the flight attendants were doing this because someone heard from someone that the stock was going to tank. This is the stock they got just a…

  • Passport to Fun and Today's Escapes on Credit Card Bill

    Anyone else seeing charges fo TODAY’S ESCAPES and PASSPORT TO FUN on their credit cards? Each charge is for $12.95. I have no idea how these got on the statement. I’m guessing I bought something online and this was some sort of ‘extra’ bonus I may have opted into. Immediately call the nubmers on your…

  • How to Bomb a Target Store

    Google Maps turns up a Target store with the company’s logo on the roof.