Month: November 2004

  • Frog Blender 2000

    Oh my gosh – I had forgotten about this classic toon from four years ago. An oldie but a goodie. What are you lookin’ at? Wuss. You ain’t got the bawlz. No bawlz. Frog Blender 2000.

  • Amy Goodman on Hardball Tonight

    My girl, Amy Goodman is on Hardball with Chris Matthews at 7 PM tonight, Friday, Nov. 19. KICK ASS AMY. Whoo! Update: She wasn’t on. And to think I watched an entire terrible episode of Hardball. YUCK.

  • 12-Ft. Shielded Audio Cable

    I was gritching to my coach that I need to do another round of ‘nesting’. I got some audio extension cords and I now have the speakers for the computer speakers spread out in the apartment. One in the corner behind me and one in the little room before the loo. It really spreads the…

  • Godwin's Second Law

    From Kris’s post on conservative fundie freak show Fred Phelps: Any time you start a sentence with ‘God hates,’ it doesn’t matter how you finish that sentence. You’re already wrong. As we all know the first law of Godwin states: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler…

  • Craving

    Right now I am craving lemonade and fruit, crackers and brie cheese. Ron I think just landed from a 14 hour workday so I’m not sure if he’s going to want to eat once he gets in – he’s on for tomorrow. I’m waiting to go to Dominick’s before I hear from him.

  • EU Loses on Food Trademarking

    Equal trade sucks don’t it? [The] example of Italian ham producers from Parma having to rebrand their product as “super ham” in Canada, because local producers had already trademarked the Parma ham name. Other products the EU said have been affected include Cognac, Sherry, Grappa, Rioja and Roquefort.

  • U. S. Press Keeps Mum on Condi the Liar

    [T]hese reports have generally omitted mention of Rice’s numerous apparently false statements, even when the reviews were conducted by outlets that originally broke the news of the statements in question.

  • Field Manual for Counterinsurgency Operations

    The U. S. Army’s manual for strategy regarding counterinsurgency operations. (pdf) Pick apart the URL and you get a whole list of manuals.

  • John Godel of

    Update: (May 18, 2005) I’ve received an email from someone identifying themselves as John Godel. He states that he was having ‘a big family problem at the time’ that he defaulted on so many Amazon orders. I have no reason to believe this is not true. It is unfortunate that he wasn’t prompt in returning…

  • Greensboro Massacre

    Talking with survivors, 25 years later. On November 3, 1979, at… a legal demonstration against the Ku Klux Klan. A caravan of Klansmen and Nazis pull up to the protesters and open fire. Eighty-eight seconds later, five demonstrators lie dead and ten others wounded from the gunfire, recorded on camera by four TV stations… Not…