Stormfront on Asians

Whenever you need a good giggle (or scare) pop on over to Stormfront, everybody’s favorite ‘White Pride World Wide’ website:

I’m just wondering how everyone here feels about Asians. Personally, I have never had a problem with any Asian or even heard much about anyone having problems with Asians. Most Asians seem like smart, hard working, honest people to me. (Not to mention, many Asian families don’t allow race mixing, which is great).

They’re not the kind of stock that will elevate humanity. While I think blacks and Jews can be thought of as “evil”, Asians simply take up space, a lot of it. Finally, their race runs the gamut from downright ghetto-ish (Filipinos), to cruel and weird (Vietnamese), to downright good at stealing White inventions (Japanese).

You are right. You are missing the fact that they are culturally and socially retarded. They really view the world rather differently, which is not so bad by itself, but when you combine their worker drone mentality with their lack of sophistication.

Ha. Lack of sophistication.

And they have an internet radio station. Nice beat – you can really commit genocide to it. 






One response to “Stormfront on Asians”

  1. David Avatar

    ‘You are right. You are missing the fact that they are culturally and socially retarded. They really view the world rather differently, which is not so bad by itself, but when you combine their worker drone mentality with their lack of sophistication.’

    Um, hello, kettle? This is pot…

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