So You Think You Can Dance, Pilot Premiere

Ron and I were delighted with schaudenfreude to watch the first episode of this dance competition show. Thankfully most blonde white girls that looked like Britney Spears made it through. I really start to worry when the Aryan nation isn’t well represented.

Why does everyone act surprised when fat people can dance? Being a big person doesn’t remove you from having grace or talent. The producers did a couple setups of ‘oh my gosh, here comes a big fat person and you know they won’t be able to cut it’. Sure, some of the bigger men need to dress a lot better for their size – but some of them were more graceful then the skinny guys.

And that guy from Julliard. Femmy McFemmfemme? This guy had great technique and grace but totally did himself in with a ribbon routine – you know, like on the Olympics. Then when questioned why he wasn’t more masculine in his dancing he did a bunch of twirls and challenged Nigel with You don’t think thith is mathkyoolin? Some of the guys in our dance program in school were graceful, and strong and had great technique but also filtered that through a more masculine stance – you have to convey an underlying power to make it work. Was he even wearing a dance belt? This guy didn’t have it. He wasn’t supporting his partner during the couples routines.

The Irish girl from Chicago was hot! Good God she was smoking. Six foot tall and statuesque, looking like Linda Carter in a pleated plaid dress.

The expectant father got Ron and my votes as well. He was handsome, a nice dancer and had nice tats. He didn’t make it though. He should have gone to Strip Search.

I like how they are putting them through the paces though. To be a good technician is nothing compared to being able to see it and then immediately do it. I remember the kids I went to school with that were dance majors could see something once and immediately replicate it – down to the hand movements – blew my mind.

I think the ‘prize’ of the show: one year rent in New York and a cash prize is pretty lame. They aren’t even going to promise agency representation or some sort of ‘you get to bootyshake in a video?’ No continued dance instruction or vocal instruction? No headshots? Peh.

You can never go broke underestimated the unmitigated ego of Americans.






2 responses to “So You Think You Can Dance, Pilot Premiere”

  1. Jeff Avatar

    So it wasn’t a train wreck? I’ll have to check it out.

  2. Ron Avatar

    RE: So you think you can Dance: I had been looking for info about that “expectant father” contestant. He was a good dancer and very appealing – damm, he was hot – yes, a agree he should go on to Strip Search. I hope his wife allows us to see more of him in the future. I would be happy just watching him read the phone book. Anyhow…now that I got that off my chest let me know if you here anything about this guy.


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