Lynne Cheney is a Fucking Monster

Did anybody else catch Mrs. Dick on The Situation Room with Blitzer?

CHENEY:  I watched your program last night and I was troubled.

BLITZER:  All right.  Well, that was probably the purpose, to get people to think, to get people to discuss these issues because …


CHENEY:  Well, all right, Wolf.  I’m here to talk about my book, but if you want to talk about distortion …

BLITZER:  We’ll talk about your book.

CHENEY:  Well, right, but what is CNN doing running terrorist tapes of terrorists shooting Americans?  I mean, I saw Duncan Hunter ask you a  very good question and you didn’t answer it.  Do you want us to win?

BLITZER:  The answer is, of course, we want the United States to win.  We are Americans.  There’s no doubt about that.  Do you think we want terrorists to win?

CHENEY:  Then why are you running terrorist propaganda?

This is some crazy shit. She’s a monster.

"Do you want us to win?" is the same as "Don’t you support the troops?" and "What about the children?" UGH.

Update – Blitzer responds.



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2 responses to “Lynne Cheney is a Fucking Monster”

  1. Adam Zimmerman Avatar
    Adam Zimmerman

    I saw the Lynne Cheney interview. More typical right wing radical scare tactics and saber rattling. More of ‘If you’re not with us then you must be with the terrorists!!’ rhetoric. You should read ‘Conservatives Without Conscience’ by John Dean. Very interesting read. This guy is a life long Republican, been involved with the GOP since Eisenhower. I saw him interviewed on the John Stewart show, he openly referred to the current administration as Fascist. He refers to himself as a Goldwater Republican and said “which today leaves me somewhere just left of of center.” Now this is coming from a guy in their own camp, a life long GOP member. It speaks to the frustration of many right-wingers with their own party and its acid, extreme view of the world. Those of us on the left need to reach out to these disillusioned conservatives, especially those like myself who have a more centrist view of things. One thing that all of us on the left need to realize is what battles to fight and when. Again, again the far right baits us into debates about abortion and gay marriage, subjects which will alienate many of these disenfranchised conservatives whom otherwise we could find common ground with. The best we can hope for on said subjects is to try to keep them out of national politics and have them controlled at a state level. For example, if Pennsylvanians voted to outlaw abortion in their state then it would affect their state only, nor would it prevent people from going to New York to have the procedure done. As for gay marriage, the answer is simpler and already in place. As it stands now no state is required to recognize a marriage from another state, though typically they do. Therefore, if say a gay couple in California gets married and then moves to Alabama, Alabama would have no obligation to recognize their union. So the short answer, if you’re gay and you’re married don’t move to Alabama (who’d want to anyhow?). The long and the short of it is, if we want to the Democratic party out of the rut its been in we’ve got to regroup, rethink our tactics, rethink our platform and reach out to some of the disenfranchised groups that are out there. Today’s political demographics are drastically different from what they were even twenty years ago. Environmentalism has been almost exclusively the domain of the left for the past fifty years, but now we’re seeing the rise of a significant number of ‘Green Conservatives’. Gun rights have traditionally been a conservative battleground, but these days it’s not hard to find left wing gun enthusiasts. If we want to win back the control and hold it so that significant and meaningful change can be accomplished, then we’re going to have to completely rethink our approach. If we want to kick these fascists out of office, and keep them out, we have to change.

  2. Jorgan Avatar

    Hmmmm. CNN runs terrorist propaganda film, LABELS it as such, and Wolf is appalled when Dr. Chency asks why they did it.

    Did he not understand the question?

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