Month: October 2006

  • CNN Int'l on Extraordinary Rendition and Maher Arar

    Nice to see something extended on this on the telly. Granted it is on CNN. Granted it is the slim half-hour each day when they show CNN International.

  • Burn the Witch: List of Gay Congressional Staffers Circulates

    But are you really surprised when your rabidly anti-gay bosses decide to throw you to the dogs because they don’t have the guts to face their own perverted moral failings? What’s interesting about The List–which includes nine chiefs of staffs, two press secretaries, and two directors of communications–is that (if it’s acucurate) it shows that […]

  • Maybe It is Time for a Gay Cabal

    On Michael Savage: The gay mafia has so much power over the advertising industry, that the gay mafia has so much power over the television industry, that the gay mafia has so much power over the movie industry, that the gay mafia has so much power over the newspaper industry, that the gay mafia is […]

  • House Leadership: Blame the Faggots

    If you can’t blame the Jews, the blacks or the Democrats: Josh Marshall warned last night that the House leadership’s “last gambit” may be “to blame the Foley debacle on a cabal of gay staffers who hid and/or enabled Rep. Foley’s behavior for years.” The accusation is that gay staffers were willing to cover up […]

  • Reminder: National War Protests Today

    And as of 9:29am CST, not a single mainstream US news source is report. If a peace march happens in a city and nobody reports on it, is it really dissent?

  • Fits and Starts

    I seem to have a 20 minute lag from my alarm going off to when I actually get out of bed. The weather has been strange. 2 nights ago we had torrential downpour all night along with massive amounts of lightning. Yesterday we crept back up into the sultry 80s again and then this morning […]

  • In America, Everybody Gets to Be a Victim

    In undergrad, I wrote a little ditty one-act called Debbie! where my buddy Karen played a uber-sleaze Jenny Jone-ish talk show host (Brigitte played the therapist Dr. Carol Carlson, Alan directed it, Lingo was the wigga hoochie in the audience). At the end of the play (the talk show) the guests and the host play […]

  • If You Can't Legally Consent, Your Gender Doesn't Matter

    Sexual advances on underage ANYBODY is illegal. Since when the fuck is the GOP worried about being accused of gay-bashing? What a bunch of fucking assholes. That’s it Hastert, climb up on the fence with Matthew Shepard. He’s waiting to cover your tracks.

  • Comparitive Pederasty

    From a 2002 Advocate article: In macho culture, lusting after barely legal girls is considered the mark of a robust libido. In fact, under the right circumstances, a man who has sex with a minor can inspire a certain admiration. Consider the male gym teacher from the Bronx who ran off with his 15-year-old female […]