Cannon Fodder Fathers Replaced With Cardboard Cutouts

This cannot be true:

Randall has little to say because he’s a ‘‘Flat Daddy,” a two-dimensional foam board likeness from the waist up of the Maine Army National Guard officer from Hermon who was sent to Afghanistan in January with the 240th Engineer Group of Augusta.The Guard has provided more than 100 of the cutouts to families of deployed service members as a way to ease the pain of separation. Even though the idea may seem a little silly at first, the foam board cutout can help alleviate the pain of a loved one’s absence, she said.

No word yet if any children of dead soliders will also get their own piece of comforting cardboard.

Now this looks fun though and is sorta sweet – to take ‘wish you were here’ type pics.

Other reaction:

We always thought of you guys as paper soldiers anyway. Hell, even your WIVES think of you that way. We don’t want your values, your love, your real presence. No, Marine. We merely want your heroic image to raise your children. And when they grow up to be empty broken people we will send them off to fight in other bullshit wars and make posters of them. 







One response to “Cannon Fodder Fathers Replaced With Cardboard Cutouts”

  1. Richie Avatar

    This is gross. If I were boyfriend material and if I believed in love and if I had a boyfriend who was stationed overseas, I’d be really offended if someone sent me a cutout of my man to keep me warm at night.

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