Tag: gender

  • 'The Great Gatsby' Still Gets Flappers Wrong

    “That’s the piece that most people forget: The flapper movement wasn’t simply a fashion trend… it was a full-blown, grassroots feminist revolution. After an 80-year campaign by suffragists, women were finally granted the right to vote in the United States in 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment was passed. When the U.S. entered World War I […]

  • When Men's Rights Advocates Misread Feminism

    “The men’s rights movement misunderstands feminism. The claim of feminists is not that men have all the privileges and women have none. Only the most banal, liberalized, and co-opted forms of feminism even bother making the claim that women are more oppressed “on average” than men. While certainly true, it really misses the point. You see, […]

  • Being a Small Woman

    “When you are a young woman … you may find that you are often dismissed as weak, defenseless, or otherwise in need of a man’s assistance and/or superior knowledge because you exist. Being seen as anything except statistically average in size, on either side of the spectrum, DOES NOT HELP. …  If we are women, […]

  • Women and Superheroes

    Interview with comics writer Kelly Sue DeConnick about the market for superhero comics: “I’m a 5-foot tall women with a quick temper who always looks like a child, so power fantasies are not strange to me. … These are huge overwrought characters that somehow speak to the lizard brain. There’s genuine catharsis available in this […]

  • The Einstein of Rape Jokes

    “I really want to believe that there should be no sacred cows in comedy. That a comedian should be able to tell jokes about any subject, no matter how difficult, no matter how much that subject might push my buttons, or anyone else’s. But if you’re going to venture into a subject as difficult as rape, […]

  • Damaged Male Comedy

    “I had an inkling that standup had some boyzone problems but it wasn’t until I started plumbing the depths of PNW open mics that the full scope of the problem came into focus, the extent to which the Damaged Male dominated this artform. I would warrant that any of you could go to any open […]