Revenge Porn and Systemic Misogyny

“‘Revenge porn’ is enacted by virulent misogynists, yes, but it ‘works’ to its evil ends because of systemic/assumed/unquestioned misogyny within our society. Bosses who immediately and without question fire women who are victims of this kind of thing represent a more insidious, difficult-to-combat evil, because they don’t appear as hateful trolls who are obviously beyond the pale, but rather as banal ‘normal’ people reacting as the system has taught them to react, doing what is expected of them to do. I’m glad this woman took this guy on. I’m also glad she never did what the awful LAPD officer immediately did—that is, suggest or even imply that her daughter should not have taken such photos to begin with. People like to feel sexy in a safe environment, people are curious about their own looks/bodies, etc. People who take revealing photos of themselves are not in any way to blame for the loathsome practice that is ‘revenge porn.’”





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