Category: War in Iraq

  • Is That Really Saddam? Is Bin Laden Really Dead?

    Attach foil hats but this is a bit freakish in a slight serious – conspiracy theory kinda way: What if the guy that we think is Saddam is really one of his body doubles? Is it possible for dental work to go that bad that quick? Did Bin Laden have a massive nose job or […]

  • Freedom on the March: Saddam Hussein Sentenced to Martyrdom by Hanging

    Karl. You cad! You did it. You delivered the October November surprise! Surely this will be our ‘turning the corner’ event. I wonder if his wife gets death benefits and worker’s comp from the CIA. I’m hoping for a Mickey/Mallory Knox-style execution on pay per view right before Thanksgiving football.

  • No One Embedded in the Peace Movement

    Amy Goodman had said this years ago and I actually started really registering it this week. We have journalists embedded in Iraq with all the military divisions, in all the major regions… we have journalists talking to parents and families with loved ones overseas… we have journalists flying in the jets with the politicians… but […]

  • How We Trained the Iraq Death Squads

    From the Independent: Yet, ironically, the death squads are the result of US policy. At the beginning of last year, with no end to the Sunni insurgency in sight, the Pentagon was reported to have decided to train Shia and Kurdish fighters to carry out "irregular missions". The policy, exposed in the US media, was […]

  • Lynne Cheney is a Fucking Monster

    Did anybody else catch Mrs. Dick on The Situation Room with Blitzer? CHENEY:  I watched your program last night and I was troubled. BLITZER:  All right.  Well, that was probably the purpose, to get people to think, to get people to discuss these issues because … (CROSSTALK) CHENEY:  Well, all right, Wolf.  I’m here to […]

  • Reminder: National War Protests Today

    And as of 9:29am CST, not a single mainstream US news source is report. If a peace march happens in a city and nobody reports on it, is it really dissent?

  • Cannon Fodder Fathers Replaced With Cardboard Cutouts

    This cannot be true: Randall has little to say because he’s a ‘‘Flat Daddy,” a two-dimensional foam board likeness from the waist up of the Maine Army National Guard officer from Hermon who was sent to Afghanistan in January with the 240th Engineer Group of Augusta.The Guard has provided more than 100 of the cutouts […]

  • Analyzing Islamofascism

    Jeff Vail takes a crack: [T]he only value added by the actual articulation of this new “Islamo-Fascism” label is falsity–it is the association in the public perception of attributes and attrocities of Nazi Fascists that are in fact not accurate when attributed to Salafi Jihadists. And it is in that sense that labels such as […]

  • American Coup D'etat? Nope. But Erosion…?

    Harper’s got together a quartet of military experts to examine the eternal question: Could it happen here? UTTWAK: What about a situation in which the military was ordered to start a war that it did not believe could be won?… BACEVICH: The military would leak it to the Washington Post, and the war would never […]

  • Enron-Style Accounting in Iraq Reconstruction

    You tax dollars at work: The State Department agency in charge of $1.4 billion in reconstruction money in Iraq used an accounting shell game to hide ballooning cost overruns on its projects there and knowingly withheld information on schedule delays from Congress…  The agency hid construction overruns by listing them as overhead or administrative costs, […]