Category: News

  • Schiavo Was Blind, Irreversibly Brain Damaged and Not Abused

    Not a newsflash but a good coda to all the nontroversy that Terry Schiavo had been abused or smiled at visual stimuli: An autopsy on Terri Schiavo backed her husband’s contention that she was in a persistent vegetative state, finding that she had massive and irreversible brain damage and was blind, the medical examiner’s office […]

  • Massive Boogers Help Feed Ocean Floor

    Scientists have discovered giant sinking mucus “houses” that double the amount of food on the sea floor. The mucus houses, or “sinkers,” are produced by tadpole-like animals not much bigger than your index finger. As sinkers drop to the sea floor, small sea critters and other food particles get stuck to the mucus and end […]

  • Democracy Now Adds Podcast

    Thank God! I’d emailed them a few times about this.

  • Mark Mumford on Ana Sites

    I’ve heard of Ana sites before but Mark does a great intro: Girls have anthropomorphized anorexia. To many, she is now a real person, super-skinny wispy female perfection personified. They join Ana forums and tell each other what to eat, and how, and why and why not, and they all apparently want to be sickeningly, […]

  • Suburb Promises Sex-Offender Free Zone

    (via Metafilter) The sales pitch for a planned subdivision promises safety: criminal background checks for homeowners and, guaranteed, no convicted sex offenders. Do you think it should be legal to build and maintain a subdivision that would not allow any sex offenders to live there? It’s a concept that might prove right for the times, […]

  • Buenos Aires Stores Forced to Carry Realistic Women's Sizes

    Authorities in Buenos Aires, Argentina are about to implement a new law that will make the clothes business think big. The new so-called “size law” will force clothes sellers to display and exhibit larger clothes sizes in their stores, in a move aimed at targeting bulimia and anorexia in teenagers. Clothes shops ignoring the new […]

  • Deep Throat Was a Hero

    What the hell is this crying and screaming about Felt being a traitor? He was a fucking patriot. He had the nuts to blow the whistle on one of the most repugnant politicans to slither into the White House.

  • Fighting Frames

    I have started noticing that conversative blogs refer to the media as the Mainstream Media (or MSM). I alternately refer to is as the Corporate-Owned Media. I’m gonna muse on the intricacies and differences over my oatmeal.

  • Government Sterilized 65,000 In Eugenics Program

    From the early 1900s to the 1970s, some 65,000 men and women were sterilized in this country, many without their knowledge, as part of a government eugenics program to keep so-called undesirables from reproducing.

  • Aborted Fetus Dispute

    Operation Rescue is in the middle of a dispute about a recent aborted fetus that they claim was alive: The pro-life group Operation Rescue has obtained the autopsy report for Baby Rowan, the infant said to have been born alive on April 2, 2005, at a Florida abortion mill and whose mother claims was refused […]