Category: GLBT

  • International Mister Leather 2006, Mick Powers, Reefer Madness

    (written last night, posted this morning) It has been a fun weekend. Last night Ron and I ended up throwing in my air conditioners and watching movies all day. We went to the gym in the morning (chest) and then had lunch at Ricebox and came home and broke out the power tools to install […]

  • Chicago Pride Parade 2006 Grand Marshall: GEORGE TAKEI!

    Fantastic news! This is just as great as Esera Tualo! Of course if Ron asks me if which movie Mr. Sulu is in – is it the one with Han Solo or the one that says ‘nanoo-nanoo’ with the Ewoks I might have to divorce him. And no I didn’t have a crush on George […]

  • Suspect Wanted in Gay Bar Shooting in Massachusetts

    A teen who had recently graduated from a ‘troubled teens’ program at a local police academy and whose neighbors say is a racist with swastikas on his walls walked into Puzzle gay bar in Massachusetts armed with a gun and a hatchet: A bartender at Puzzle Lounge told The Associated Press that the young man, […]

  • GLAAD Wastes Time on American Idol

    Gay rights group GLAAD wastes their time on American Shithole: On Tuesday’s show, seen by a Nielsen-chart topping 35.5 million viewers, Cowell told one male contestant to “wear a dress” and Jackson asked another, “are you a girl?” That’s just one in a huge parade of fagged up guys that really really really need to […]

  • Raging Infomaniac

    Sunday. Lots to do. While journaling yesterday I made a realization that my entire life right now revolves around three locations: At the gym With Ron At the computer With the third location as the default. My default action has become working. Or rather ‘at the computer’ which may or may not include working. I’ve […]

  • White House Spies on Gay and Lesbian Groups

    From AmericaBlog: Pentagon officials have been spying on what they call "suspicious" meetings by civilian groups, including student groups opposed to the military’s "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" ban on lesbian, gay and bisexual military personnel. In the future we’ll all be terrorists. 

  • Ford Gains Balls Back: Adverts in Gay Media

    Ford will again advertise in gay publications On Wednesday, Ford wrote the gay rights groups that the luxury brands "made a business decision about their media plans and it would be inconsistent with the way we manage our business to direct them to do otherwise." Ford pledged to run corporate ads in the publications that […]

  • Ford Motors Caves to American Family Association Over Gay Advertising

    The Aryan American Family Association has convinced Ford Motors to cease advertising in Out and Advocate: I reached XXXX on his cell phone, xxx of Ford pr. We had a lengthy and civil, if tense, discussion. He clearly confirmed that Ford was pulling ads from "advocacy publications," which seems to cover every gay magazine and […]

  • Call (202)-224-4254. Say: 'Tell Senator Spector to Not Allow the Marriage Protection Amendment to Leave Committee. Thank You.' Hang up.

    The Senate Judiciary Committee is ready to attempt to advance a newly minted, and renamed faith-based initiative that we all know as the Anti-Gay Amendment to the United States Constitution. They now call it the: "Marriage Protection Amendment." It goes to committee tomorrow.

  • George Takei Comes Out

    Hailing frequencies open, Captain: George Takei, who as helmsman Sulu steered the Starship Enterprise through three television seasons and six movies, has come out as a homosexual in the current issue of Frontiers, a biweekly Los Angeles magazine covering the gay and lesbian community.