Category: 9. Corporate Power is Protected

  • High-Frequency Trading: Like the Matrix with Money

    The other key ingredient to the success of any HFT platform is low network latency. The platforms are greatly helped in this regard by the fact that many exchanges will let HFT platforms pay to co-locate their servers with those of the exchange itself, so that the HFT platform can get its order in ahead…

  • Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder

    Erik Prince, may have murdered or facilitated the murder of individuals who were cooperating with federal authorities investigating the company. The former employee also alleges that Prince “views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe,” and that Prince’s companies “encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi…

  • Krugman: Rewarding Bad Actors

    [W]e’re looking at huge payouts by firms that were major recipients of federal aid. Citi has received around $45 billion from taxpayers; Goldman has repaid the $10 billion it received in direct aid, but it has benefited enormously both from federal guarantees and from bailouts of other financial institutions. What are taxpayers supposed to think…

  • Wikileaks: As Iceland Collapsed, A Few Cashed Out

    Yesterday the website WikiLeaks* published TOP SECRET information about loans made by Kaupthing bank just before the Big Meltdown last October. Rumours had been circulating about large-scale money transfers from the bank during the days preceding the bank collapse last fall. The leaked document shows definitively that massive loans were made to a select few…

  • How Cigna Killed a 17-Year-Old with Cancer

    Cigna announced yesterday — just hours before the girl died — it would pay for the transplant. via

  • Why Americans Hate Single-Payer

    One of the truly amazing and depressing things about the health reform debate is the persistence of fear-mongering over “socialized medicine” even though we already have a system in which the government pays substantially more medical bills (47% of the total) than the private insurance industry (35%). via Paul Krugman’s Blog

  • AIG Retreats and Hunts May Violate State Law

    From Bloomberg: The party is over,” Cuomo said today at a press conference on Wall Street in lower Manhattan. “No more hunting trips. No more luxury resorts. They are not going to have the party and leave the hangover for the taxpayers.” AIG has been castigated by officials since the New York- based insurer hosted…

  • Shining Shithole on the Hill

    The good thing about being an INFJ is you see patterns in everything all the time but stay quiet and introverted enough that you pack down your suspicions labeled as paranoia. I don’t blog much lately because everything I’m feeling is so hopeless. I guess that is a bit extreme. Things locally are wonderful. Ron…

  • Malls Track Shoppers by Cellphone Signal

    Slouching towards that mall in Minority Report: Customers in shopping centres are having their every move tracked by a new type of surveillance that listens in on the whisperings of their mobile phones. The technology can tell when people enter a shopping centre, what stores they visit, how long they remain there, and what route…

  • Bank of England Bailout Kept Secret Forever

    £50 billion later: Requests under the Freedom of Information Act are to be denied. Details will be kept secret even after 30 years – the period after which all but the most sensitive state documents are released. Any Bank of England employee leaking the names of institutions involved will face court action for breach of…