Month: July 2007

  • Bioweapons Expert: Anthrax Was an Inside Job

    Not the band, the attacks: The alleged destruction of the anthrax culture collection at Ames, Iowa, from which the Fort Detrick lab got its pathogens, was blatant destruction of evidence. It meant that there was no way of finding out which strain was sent to whom to develop the larger breed of anthrax used in […]

  • USAToday: Median net worth of people 55 to 64 has climbed to nearly $250,000

    while it has dropped to about $50,000 for those in their late 30s…”

  • 50% Clandestine CIA Ops Outsourced

    I just burped bile: Intelligence professionals tell me that more than 50 percent of the National Clandestine Service (NCS) — the heart, brains and soul of the CIA — has been outsourced to private firms such as Abraxas, Booz Allen Hamilton, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.

  • When Disney Gave Up on Tomorrow

    From REddit: Disney has largely given up on imagining a new future. When a story line or ride design calls for a touch of times to come, it is usually, as posters for the new Tomorrowland boast, ”the future that never was.” The shift is profound for a company whose founder was one of postwar […]

  • World Financial Community Sees Through US IOU-based Economy

    From David McWilliams: On June 15, the US government was given two fingers, not by a bunch of internationalist lefties, but by its main supporters, the international financial community. The US treasury tried to sell new US ten-year treasury bills worth $8 billion to plug the gap between what Americans spend and what Americans save. […]

  • Democrats Mum on Signing Statements Bill (Except Kerry)

    Hillary and Obama absent: Why aren’t Hillary and Barack Obama defending the Constitution against Bush’s signing statements? (Do they just want the power too?)

  • Fictional Job Growth Claims

    The Econtrarian: BLS “Phantom” Workers Now Account for 56% of Payroll Increase

  • Dollar Keeps Falling Against Euro

    BBC: With investors fearful the US housing slump will hit the wider economy, the euro rose as high as $1.3784 before pulling back slightly to $1.3742. The dollar’s latest fall came after the Standard & Poor’s credit rating agency said it may downgrade $12.1bn of bonds backed by US sub-prime home loans.

  • Pope Wants to Deliver Jews From Their Darkness

    It gets better: Let us pray: Almighty and everlasting God, You do not refuse Your mercy even to the Jews; hear the prayers which we offer for the blindness of that people so that they may acknowledge the light of Your truth, which is Christ, and be delivered from their darkness. Through the same our […]

  • Pope Tells Protestants Their Church is Wrong

    In his gilded room with his red shoes and his big gold hat: The paper emphasised the closeness with the Orthodox faiths and said they were true churches but were suffering from a wound as they did not recognise the primacy of the Pope. However, it said the “wound is still more profound” in the […]