Month: April 2007

  • Our Secret War in Iran

    ABC News: Since 2005, U.S. officials have been advising a Pakistani tribal militant group with ties to the Taliban on how to carry out deadly guerilla raids inside Iran. The Pakistani group – called Jundullah — has taken responsibility for the deaths and kidnappings of more than a dozen Iranian soldiers and officials…. Officials say…

  • 40 Years Ago Today: Martin Luther King, Jr Goes ‘Beyond Vietnam'

    1 year before he was assassinated MLK gave a speech that Time magazine called ‘demagogic slander that sounded like a script for Radio Hanoi’ and the Washington Post said ‘diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country, his people.’ If we do not stop our war against the people of Vietnam immediately, the world will…

  • Seattle School Bans Lego – For a Bit – to Teach About Sharing, Power and Community

    (and yes the plural of Lego is still Lego) When I was a kid we were at an arts and crafts fair that was set during the frontier days of the midwest. There was a barter trading area where kids could trade useless crap for other useless crap. I realized that since they had pinecones…

  • Serve at My Pleasure

    When Bush talks about the attorneys that ‘serve at my pleasure’ do you picture attorneys dancing around like trained monkeys or jesters?

  • Eliminating the Economic Incentive for Peace

    Naomi Klein on the Davos Dilemma: Thomas Friedman told us less than a decade ago that no two countries with a McDonald’s have ever gone to war. Now, we go to war with McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Burger King, in tow. … What we are losing is the incentive, the economic incentive, for peace, the economic…

  • Sterilization Mills in 1930s America

    Found an excerpt from War Against the Weak by Edwin Black (also put in the intro in my bookmarks): Western State Hospital in Staunton was not Virginia’s only sterilization mill. Others dotted the state’s map, including the Colony for Epileptics and the Feebleminded near Lynchburg, the nation’s largest facility of its kind and the state’s…

  • Pet Food Recall

    Has anybody else noticed that they aren’t saying any brand names with the pet food recall? Is it the food companies sponsor the news or because there are too many brands?

  • Stray Tabby Cat Helps 45-Year Old Orangutan

    (via) Tondalayo, a 45-year-old Sumatran orangutan, and T-J, a stray tabby cat, became an inseparable duo after a zoo employee introduced them late last year. Zookeepers at the Education Director at Zoo World in Panama City Beach say Tondalayo was depressed since losing her mate two years ago.

  • Maryland Lawmakers Ignore Scrotums Dangling from Trucks

    I have yet to see one of these: a pair of plastic balls dangling from the back of a truck. I mean how much more obvious can it get? Why not just fashion the front of a Titan into a large glans? House lawmakers have effectively killed a bill to outlaw fake bull testicles and…