Reality TV Ain't Real

In a list of events that should surprise no one:

Many of the shows that supposedly follow the real lives of real people are really scripted by real writers, (requires login) many of whom were unemployed because their sitcoms got replaced by reality programs. So reality shows are just sitcoms starring good-looking people instead of hot actresses and the fat, ugly guys who play their husbands. That’s why they’re 50% more entertaining.

(full snarky discussion on Metafilter including Donald Trump’s re-dubbing, Queer Eye’s pre-planned spontaneity and other morsels)

And, just witnessed, on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, all of the hosts donated blood. Now we all know that Ty Pennington’s blood would be thrown out because he’s a ‘man who has sex with men.’ Give me a break.

I guess what I find fascinating is the belief that the audience has that every moment isn’t planned out. When there are millions of dollars in advertising dollars at stake – nothing is left to chance. Do you know why everybody on Fear Factor is a model or trainer? Because they’re all unemployed actors that would have been in conventional scripted shows. When reality shows started the actors unions went apeshit that their members were being usurped.






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