Navy Officer Pablo Paredes Avoids Jail Time for Resisting War

Pablo’s statement to the military court:

I think we would all agree that a service member must not participate in random unprovoked illegitimate violence simply because he is ordered to. What I submit to you and the court is that I am convinced that the current war is exactly that. So, if there’s anything I could be guilty of, it is my beliefs. I am guilty of believing this war is illegal. I’m guilty of believing war in all forms is immoral and useless, and I am guilty of believing that as a service member I have a duty to refuse to participate in this war because it is illegal.

Here’s the kicker – then the judge spoke up (this is not a direct quote from the judge):

[Pablo’s laywer] was able to express quite clearly why she felt that the wars in Yugoslavia, in Afghanistan and Iraq were, in fact, illegal, and the judge said something to the extent: I believe the government has just proved that any service member would have reasonable cause to believe that the wars of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq were illegal.






One response to “Navy Officer Pablo Paredes Avoids Jail Time for Resisting War”

  1. Jonah Avatar

    Wow… sometimes the judicial system just amazes me =). Any sensible person would see that this war, along with those in Bosnia, Afghanistan, and now Syria, are completely illegal and money/power driven. It’s already been proven that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction, which Bush says is why the military was sent there in the first place right? And yet, we’re still there… hmmm…

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