Like a Stage in Vaudeville

Had a great workout this morning. I always love Mondays because
everything for the week seems so possible. I have been lifting really heavy lately
and focusing on where I grow first, first: shoulders and triceps. Then everything
else. I think the best physical attribute dad gave me was my shoulders. They are
getting bigger too – thicker – meaty, even. And it is very rewarding to see my body
respond to the weight-lifting. And it’s taking really heavy weights to really get
anywhere – I have to do some sets where I can only do one rep. But it’s fun to feel
like a gym rat. Mr. Sartini – my high school football coach – would be so proud of
me. He used to call me ‘Malaguena’ because I played that piece on piano in a music
concert my freshman year – he was a pianist as well. He was nuts too.

Work was uneventful – the temps are great to toss the drudgery work too…
sat in a pretty pointless meeting this morning – Mark and I just sit there and shake
our heads knowing that all the plotting that we are hearing is only going blow up
in the collective face of our department. I got my one year service award – a
Tiffany & Co. ballpoint pen and Krispy Kremes… all I could think in the back of
my head is, ‘well, I can’t quit this week…’






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