Category: Sex

  • Maryland Lawmakers Ignore Scrotums Dangling from Trucks

    I have yet to see one of these: a pair of plastic balls dangling from the back of a truck. I mean how much more obvious can it get? Why not just fashion the front of a Titan into a large glans? House lawmakers have effectively killed a bill to outlaw fake bull testicles and […]

  • Teen Sex Panics, Rainbow Parties and the Whoring of Young Girls

    If I ever hear that my teenage daughter is performing fellatio without reciprocity she is grounded! I’m talkin’ downtown! The conviction that nice girls are engaging in no-strings-attached, semi-anonymous fellatio is based on a genuine and puzzling change in teen sexual behavior. It is manifested in a group hysteria in which terrified adults have projected […]

  • Chicago Parents Say That Fellatio Begins At Home

    Holy hymens, Batman! A teacher out in the burbs had the nerve to teach sex ed and suggest that maybe – just maybe – genitals go other places besides other monogamous child-making one-ping-only genitals: “How to penetrate the vagina, ejaculation and stuff like that,” Hampton said of the materials. “I think the parents felt it […]

  • Book Banned Over Use of the Word ‘Scrotum'

    Just when you thought it couldn’t get any stupider: …”The Higher Power of Lucky,” by Susan Patron, this year’s winner of the Newbery Medal, the most prestigious award in children’s literature. The book’s heroine, a scrappy 10-year-old orphan named Lucky Trimble, hears the word through a hole in a wall when another character says he […]

  • Florida Town Desperately Afraid of Vaginas

    A Florida comedy club received one complaint over the title of The Vagina Monologues on their marquee. They have renamed the title: The Hooha Monologues 1 complaint.

  • Where Penises Come From

    Continuing the theme of the previous post: So I was just browsing through some fun journals (Integrative and Comparative Biology, always good for some unusual stuff) and ran across a paper with a wonderful title: “The Functional Morphology of Penile Erection: Tissue Designs for Increasing and Maintaining Stiffness.” If that kind of thing will sell […]

  • From Cloacas to Vaginas

    Fascinating study of the evolution of the female reproductive system. The vagina is an entirely new structure, which has no homolog in amphibians or reptiles. That is an interesting observation. It’s a wholly original structure that arose sometime after the monotreme-marsupial split, an evolutionary novelty. How did that happen?

  • Dakota Fanning on Rape Scene Furor: Deal With it, Haters

    Dakota Fanning will turn 13 next month, and she has a short answer for anyone who questions her decision to play a 1950s girl who gyrates in her underwear, wakes up as her naked father climbs into her bed, demands that a prepubescent boy expose himself to her in exchange for a kiss and, finally, […]

  • How Homophobia Creates Homosexuality

    Work with me: 1. Cultures and societies that persecute homosexuality exert pressure on homosexuals to remain closeted and lead normal lives. 2. Their efforts to appear normal include getting married and having children. 3. Genes/dispositions/influences for homosexuality spread further down the family tree. Summarized from this comment: Namely, that societies with more tolerant views toward […]

  • America's Next Top Bottom

    The Tivo sucked us into a marathon of America’s Next Top Model last week. There should be a gay porn star search show or bondage submissive show called America’s Next Top Bottom.