Category: Politics

  • Gov't Study: Abstinence Programs Don't Work

    This is my surprised face: The major findings were that the abstinence programs they studied had no correlation with a decreased level of sexual activity in the population of teens they surveyed. Interestingly, one of the programs they studied was a voluntary after school program consisting of daily 2.5 hour sessions with enrollment beginning at […]

  • Is Pelosi Interfering by Going to Syria? Ask Hastert.

    President Bush yesterday said Speaker Pelosi’s bipartisan delegation to Syria sends “mixed signals,” implying that Pelosi overstepped her bounds by merely visiting Syria. … In 1997, Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) led a delegation to Colombia at a time when U.S. officials were trying to attach human rights conditions to U.S. security assistance programs. Hastert specifically […]

  • Molly Ivins on Rush Limbaugh and Satire

    Departed Molly: Satire is a weapon, and it can be quite cruel. It has historically been the weapon of powerless people aimed at the powerful. When you use satire against powerless people, as Limbaugh does, it is not only cruel, it’s profoundly vulgar. It is like kicking a cripple.

  • Nancy Pelosi's Pantsuit

    Because obviously a woman in power must be reduced to her costume.

  • Why Evangelicals Just Can't Help Themselves

    Fantastic cogent comment from Metafilter commenter Pastabagel: How colossally arrogant is it to think that you can be a congressman and hit on underage pages and not think you are going to get busted? How arrogant is it to be the head of the organization that has made ant-gay preaching a foundational principle and then […]

  • House Leadership: Blame the Faggots

    If you can’t blame the Jews, the blacks or the Democrats: Josh Marshall warned last night that the House leadership’s “last gambit” may be “to blame the Foley debacle on a cabal of gay staffers who hid and/or enabled Rep. Foley’s behavior for years.” The accusation is that gay staffers were willing to cover up […]

  • Complete Asshole Andrew Natsios to Head Up Darfur Envoy

    Andrew Natsios who impressed everybody with his mis-management of Boston’s Big Dig and his racist and incorrect views as an AIDS czar, is now back heading a special enjoy to Darfur. It gets better: As director of U.S. Agency for Intenational Development Natsios promised that the U.S. contribution to reconstruction of Iraq would be no […]

  • Regulation of Braiders and Lockticians Opens Up Rift in Illinois

    As black hair trends turned from relaxed and straightened back to more natural, the cosmetology industry, miffed at revenue lost to braiders and dread lock lockticians helped push through legislation in 2001 that made the ancient art of braids and dreadlocks requiring a 1500 hour cosmetology license. Back when I used to party all night, […]

  • American Coup D'etat? Nope. But Erosion…?

    Harper’s got together a quartet of military experts to examine the eternal question: Could it happen here? UTTWAK: What about a situation in which the military was ordered to start a war that it did not believe could be won?… BACEVICH: The military would leak it to the Washington Post, and the war would never […]

  • Stormfront on Asians

    Whenever you need a good giggle (or scare) pop on over to Stormfront, everybody’s favorite ‘White Pride World Wide’ website: I’m just wondering how everyone here feels about Asians. Personally, I have never had a problem with any Asian or even heard much about anyone having problems with Asians. Most Asians seem like smart, hard […]