Category: Kitty

  • Temple of White Socks

    Remember how Richard Dreyfus remakes Devil’s Tower with mashed potatoes and then with his lawn furniture? While I had my back turned, kitty had dragged four pairs of white socks from the bedroom and arranged them on the rug in the main room. When I woke up this morning I wondered why I hadn’t put […]

  • Excessive Drooling in Cats

    Kitty is drooling a lot tonight. More than his usual ‘so happy to see you’ drops. He’s not sneezing and the liquid is clear and he is still playful and active so I think those are good signs. Gotta take him to the vet tomorrow morning. Update: Vet says to let it wait a day, […]

  • Kitty Codependency

    I think working at home spoils my cat. He was absolutely elated to see me come back from Hawai’i and is always at my side lately. He has started a new behavior. You know how a toddler will put their hands up in the air if they want to be picked up? My cat will […]

  • Kitty in Sink

    I back-dated posts from my laptop that I wasn’t able to get online. And borrowed Ron’s digital camera.

  • Kitty Update

    (that’s Jake from NoFo) (that’s Ron)

  • Cover Up and Concealer

    I noticed a really odd behavior with the cat. When I am cleaning out his litter box he is always pawing at the bag or newspaper that I’m using to discard of his kittenables. I thought it was hysterical that he’s pawing at it as if to say: Hey that’s mine – give me that […]

  • 1 Pound

    Astroboy got his ferocell distemper booster shot today or as they say in Raising Arizona: Honey, he’s just gotta have his dip-tet! (as the kid with chocolate smeared all over his mouth scrawls with a crayon on the wall: ‘FART’) (and you have to pronounce it deeyip-tayet) Anyway – he’s gained a full pound since […]

  • Too Much

    Kitty had been hiding under the bed all day. At first, I thought he was annoyed that I kept playing Marilyn Manson’s cover of Depeche Mode’s ‘Personal Jesus’ over and over again. I just bought it on iTunes today (along with Bjork’s Medulla). He seemed content and yawned and purred under the bed. Then I […]

  • Kitty Achieves a New Balance

  • Purr Burger

    Purring usually is a sign of contentment Most felid species produce a “purr-like” vocalization Cats purr between 25 (diesel engine) and 150 Hz This frequency range can stimulate bone growth and healing Cats will purr under stress as a soothing mantra, pregnant cats will purr during delivery