Category: 2008 Elections

  • Hillary Clinton's Prayer Group

    From Mother Jones: Clinton’s prayer group was part of the Fellowship (or “the Family”), a network of sex-segregated cells of political, business, and military leaders dedicated to “spiritual war” on behalf of Christ, many of them recruited at the Fellowship’s only public event, the annual National Prayer Breakfast. (Aside from the breakfast, the group has […]

  • McCain's Adultery Compared to His Gay Marriage Stance

    As usual, Greenwald lays it out: McCain on same-sex marriage: John McCain also entered the fray last night, calling the decision “a loss for the traditional family,” and noting that he supports “the traditional definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.” Then: McCain was still married and living with his wife in […]

  • Iowa Halts Same-Sex Marriage

    1 couple made it through.

  • Ohio Gives Up on Secret Ballots

    Eat this: Ohio law permits anyone to walk into a county election office and obtain two crucial documents: a list of voters in the order they voted, and a time-stamped list of the actual votes. “We simply take the two pieces of paper together, merge them, and then we have which voter voted and in […]

  • Political Compass: Republicans and Democrats Are Basically the Same takes a look at the candidates in the campaigns and only Gravel and Kucinich make it out of the Right-Authoritarian quadrant.

  • George Lakoff on the 2008 Elections

    TruthOut has an interview with the esteemed linguist.

  • #1 Reason Not to Vote for Ron Paul

    I like listening to Ron Paul sometimes and think he has taken the Maverick energy away from McCain but this is why I will not support the man: The We the People Act (H.R. 4379) is a bill introduced in the United States House of Representatives by Representative Ron Paul. The bill would limit or […]

  • Rove Molts, Moves on to New Host

    Does anyone really think Karl Rove isn’t going to start working for the GO 2008 race? This isn’t some kind of good news. They announced this on a Monday where it can take up the entire week’s news. It just means there is something really awful they are hoping will be overshadowed.

  • Why the YouTube/CNN Debates Are Already Rigged

    Democracy blah blah post your question blah blah and maybe just maybe one of these imperial fart-heads will have the courtesy to deign to answer you. Not bloody likely. The questions submitted by YouTubers aren’t being voted on by us – they are being handpicked by editors. Same old same old.

  • Dems Nearly Double Fundraising of GOPs

    And you know what that means: time to trot out the ‘f_ggots and immigrants’ context. Watch for it.