Month: August 2013

  • PRSM – The Sharing Network

    Up and coming social network. This is the Next Big Thing folks. Boom! PRSM – The Sharing Network PRSM: Introducing a new way to share everything. Nothing to hide- nothing to lose. Sign up – it's free.

  • "What if You Were at Your Best?" Productivity Advice from Jason Womack

    Jason Womack was a rabid Typepad user and stopped by Six Apart years ago to talk to us about productivity. I was delighted he agreed to be a guest blogger on the Mindjet blog. Here's his first post "What if You Were at Your Best?" Productivity Advice from Jason Womack Author and productivity guru […]

  • redditgifts for the Teachers 2013 – redditgifts

    Attention teachers: Reddit has a 'gifts for teachers' exchange going on. Last year Reddtiors sent $150k in school supplies to teachers around the world to start the new school year. I know it's bullshit that you have to buy your own supplies- let Reddit help. redditgifts for the Teachers 2013 – redditgifts Our annual redditgifts […]

  • Revealed: Ancient Appalachian people who boasted of Portuguese ancestry to avoid slavery were…

    DNA analysis reveals the dark-skinned 'Melungeon' people of Appalachia aren't Portuguese- but of European and Sub-Saharan Africa descent. Revealed: Ancient Appalachian people who boasted of Portuguese ancestry to avoid slavery were… Tennessee-based genealogy researcher Roberta Estes has found that the derisively-known mixed-race Appalachian group called the Melungeons can trace their roots to Africa.

  • The Real Reason Why We Call it a 'Bubbler' in Wisconsin (And Who Else Does Too)

    I remember the first time Ron mentioned about 'bubblers' and I had no idea what he was talking about. He also called Applebee's 'Apple-bugs' for some reason. He's an enigma – a mystery wrapped in a riddle. The Real Reason Why We Call it a 'Bubbler' in Wisconsin (And Who Else Does Too) It's happened […]

  • The Innovation of Loneliness

    The Innovation of Loneliness

  • The Left-Brain-Right-Brain Distinction is as Fake as it Always Sounded

    The Left-Brain-Right-Brain Distinction is as Fake as it Always Sounded Results from a recent study from researchers at the University of Utah indicate that there is no evidence to support the theory that some people are "right-brained-" while others are "left-brained-" giving you one less easy way to dismiss someone's peculiar personality.

  • How Bloomberg Reshaped New York

    How Bloomberg Reshaped New York From buildings to bike lanes to painting over Broadway- how the city changed in 12 years of Bloomberg.

  • Enjoy

    Can someone please remix Bjork's Enjoy into a tribal/house mix? I think it is one of the sexiest- most erotic songs ever written. cc Dj Theresa- Jack Chang- Dj Luiggi- Brian Urmanita- et al. Enjoy Enjoy- a song by Bj̦rk on Spotify.