Month: January 2010

  • Mobile Collective Delusion

    From a thread about the Olympics: Essentially, the Olympics is a mobile collective delusion in which people use the excuse of a world heritage event to do for themselves what they wouldn’t or shouldn’t do in its absence. and another coment: Why can’t there just be a dedicated venue for the Olympics? Why does this […]

  • That's Sorta Neat

    A 19 year old guy on Reddit came to the realization he’s gay and if that completely changed his identity or opportunities. I left a comment: You don’t have to be anybody or anything besides what you were yesterday + thinking guys are sorta neat. via Reddit

  • Jon Stewart Loses His Sh*t Over Coakley/Brown

    Jon Stewart yesterday – before the special election in Massachusetts. This isn’t the Democrats are playing checkers and the Republicans are playing chess. It’s that the Republicans are playing chess and the Democrats are in the nurses office because once again they glued their balls to their thighs. Can’t wait to see what he says […]

  • Of Spines and Wimps

    Comment on Metafilter re: the Massachusetts election. I think it’s time for the Democrats to grow some testicles or ovaries and push their agenda through by forcing the Republicans to actually oppose them instead of merely threatening to oppose them. No one votes for a wimp. via Kiss U.S. Healthcare Reform Goodbye

  • U.N. Panel's Glacier Warning Is Criticized as Exaggerated –

    Ugh. Why let shady data get through? The actual disasters on the way are awful enough. U.N. Panel's Glacier Warning Is Criticized as Exaggerated – An estimate about the rapid melting of Himalayan glaciers from climate change is coming under fire as a gross exaggeration.

  • Report: FBI illegally collected phone records

    Obviously we need to throw more money at no-bid cost-plus contracts with private companies. Or fire all these assholes. Report: FBI illegally collected phone records The FBI violated the law in collecting thousands of U.S. telephone records during the Bush administration- The Washington Post reported Monday.

  • Weight Watchers Weigh-In Causes Floor Collapse

    Worst motivation ever: The floor beneath the feet of some 20 Weight Watchers members collapsed at a clinic in Sweden. The participants in the fat-loss programme had gathered for a weigh-in in the town of Växjö on Wednesday night. However the numbers on the scales weren’t the only thing dropping. “We suddenly heard a huge […]

  • Pentagon considering whether gay troops need to be segregated 'separate but equal' style; secret gay

    'Don't ask don't tell' boils down to 'don't drop the soap.' Pentagon considering whether gay troops need to be segregated 'separate but equal' style; secret gay In contrast to past statements from gay groups and administration officials that "there is a plan" with regards to the President's gay rights promises- including DADT- the secret meeting […]

  • Woman Grows New Trachea in Her Arm

    From a donor windpipe: A Belgian woman has a working windpipe after surgeons implanted the trachea from a dead man into her arm, where it grew new blood vessels before being transplanted into her throat.For more than 2½ years, Linda De Croock lived with constant pain from a car accident that smashed her windpipe. The […]