Month: March 2007

  • Pentagon Wakes Up, Uses Phrase ‘Civil War'

    That only took 3,000 dead soldiers and hundreds of thousands of less important brown-skinned non-Christians: The U.S. military for the first time Wednesday said in a new report that some of the violence in Iraq can be described as a civil war. In its bleakest assessment of the war to date, a quarterly Pentagon report […]

  • Garrisson Keillor Pulls a Coulter, Dan Savage Tells Him to Fuck Off

    A little Prairie Home assholery from the usually much more sensible and sensitive Keillor: The country has come to accept stereotypical gay men — sardonic fellows with fussy hair who live in over-decorated apartments with a striped sofa and a small weird dog and who worship campy performers and go in for flamboyance now and […]

  • Chicago Parents Say That Fellatio Begins At Home

    Holy hymens, Batman! A teacher out in the burbs had the nerve to teach sex ed and suggest that maybe – just maybe – genitals go other places besides other monogamous child-making one-ping-only genitals: “How to penetrate the vagina, ejaculation and stuff like that,” Hampton said of the materials. “I think the parents felt it […]

  • Perinatal Hospice and Unbearable Sadness

    In the New York Times via Metafilter: Living With a Dying Baby. “Families can choreograph their child’s very brief life with their family . . . Sometimes they may have a matter of minutes, so they decide beforehand who can hold the baby, who will cut the umbilical cord, who will hold the baby when […]

  • Sanjaya and Haley

    They’ve got to go. Really. They are both totally boring performers and not mature in the technical department. The guys didn’t suck as much as they did last week. Still Melinda, Lakisha and Jordin are where it is at with Melinda being lightyears ahead of them. Still pissed they sent Sabrina home. I think Sundance […]