Month: January 2007

  • Search Google News for ‘Saddam' and ‘CIA'

    And you’ll see a complete blackout of any coverage of Saddam Hussein’s execution mentioning his connections to the CIA. Saddam was not convicted of genocide. Saddam invaded Iran with the encouragement of the United States in 1980. Saddam used chemical weapons in Iran and in his gassing of the Kurds in Halabja. Saddam’s chemical weapons […]

  • Tivo Commercial Skip: Select Play Select 3 0 Select

    To access the hidden 30-second skip feature in Tivo: Press Select Play Select 3 0 Select Then you’ll press the ‘skip to next track’ button to jump ahead 30 seconds. That button looks a bit like this: ->|

  • Portions Pre-Recorded

    Midway through watching Seacrest and Dick I noticed that before they showed a musical artist they’d say: “Portions in New York and Hollywood Prerecorded.” Screw that.