Month: June 2003

  • Closed Mind

    I had an illuminating experience on our flight back. Ron and I had stopped so he could smoke a cigarillo in the parking lot of Midway and a guy came by with a broom and one of those dustpans on a stick thingies. He was a guy that I always see at the Caribou all […]

  • And We're Back

    Back from the beach. Glad we flew instead of the two and half day drive. This year’s beach trip included a small surprise to my parents. I’ve had a tattoo now for about 9 months or so and they finally got to see it (left shoulder – solar icon). I feel sort of childish about […]

  • Flash Mobs

    Large groups of people converge in a secret location for 10 minutes. Then disperse.

  • Margaret and George

    Margaret Atwood (whose Handmaid’s Tale threw me down when I read it) reflects on reading Animal Farm when she was nine: To say that I was horrified by this book is an understatement. The fate of the farm animals was so grim, the pigs so mean and mendacious and treacherous, the sheep so stupid. Children […]

  • Mornin'

    A source of constant conflict between Ron and I is the fact that he’s a night person and I’m definitely a morning person. I actually don’t like getting up early lately because it isn’t as dark and quiet with the change to Daylight Savings Time. I like walking to the gym in the dark of […]

  • Snuggle Is A Playa

    Everybody’s favorite fabric softening teddy bear gets a little sex appeal.

  • Tonys

    Reflections on the Tony awards: Rosie Perez needs to be prevented from speaking ever again. The two men that were that couple that wrote Hairspray were totally cute. Harvey Fierstein makes my ears hurt. Why do awards shows always try to make the host sing? Just cut to the awards already. Classy opening with Billy […]

  • Impending Pox

    ” We have an outbreak.” Monkeypox usually only occurs in central and western Africa. At least 19 people in three Midwestern states have contracted a disease related to smallpox.

  • Veggies

    I’ve been trying to eat a lot more whole foods lately and I think I’ve hit on a magic bullet. Instead of always having to chop up vegetables everytime I want to eat, I chopped all of them up and put them in a big pot. Now I just cut up some baked chicken breast, […]

  • Corker

    Simpsons was interrupted due to late breaking news. I’m expecting some announcement of military action against some poor brown non-Christians somewhere but no – the emergency breaking news is that Sammy Sosa used a corked bat today.