Month: August 2001

  • thursday, august 9

    No Ibsen for me. The show was sold out. I did get laundry done (not folded) and went to bed later than I’d wanted but I did get some cleaning done. I am obsessed with clean flat surfaces. My sore throat has gotten worse and I want to go home. I just finished stuff up […]

  • wednesday, august 8

    I was very not in the mood for boxing this morning. I was out of sorts. But I tried to hang in there anyway. Currently, I’m sitting on hold trying to get registered for a data-conference. The structure of my department is changing again. There’s a new level being inserted between my current manager and […]

  • I am gripped by this

    I am gripped by this compulsion for clean surfaces. I want every flat surface in my living space to be unmuddled and bare. My eyes are craving naked order. I want to come in and everything is put away and ready for accessing. I am craving empty space in my life. Note this.

  • tuesday, august 7

    First and final tech went well tonight. We got everything done in three and a half hours – and once we start teching episode two we’ll know much more exactly what’s going on. I’m a little nervous about the actors and remembering their lines – more for their sake than mine, I guess.

  • monday, august 6

    Just got in from Crobar. The place was packed floor to ceiling with sweaty muscular manflesh. It was alternately arousing and repulsive… of course once you got as sweaty as everybody else you didn’t mind. I was an exercise machine today. Went to the gym this morning and then shopping with Brigitte – went and […]

  • friday, august 3

    Mom and dad are in town now. They came in during the downpour. It rained so much yesterday it was unreal. Flash-flooding in a major metropolitan city? I didn’t even know that happened! Took them to late lunch at FoodLife in Water Tower Place and then they came to rehearsal with me and watched us […]